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10. Puzzle Rings As Therapy
Thursday, 12 Sep 2013
Peter is one of our customers. What follows below was taken from emails he sent us. We publish this with his consent.

Hi, I am very interested in your rings, they are beautiful, and some years ago I tried to do as you have, I was a watchmaker and had to do a repair on a standard turkish puzzle ring, putting it back together after, and the owner said it was the first time anyone had done so without his showing how, so he showed me, which is not how I did it - but I had taken plaster molds of the pieces and I still have those even if a bit frail now - I made a copy in solder and sent it to be copied in 9ct, but they twisted the parts badly and they were unusable, being too crystalline to straighten, so they took the lot back and cancelled it, so I appreciate the effort you have to make, as on your site.

I am going to buy some of yours, FLOWER for Lily (a young lady of 12) who has had a lot of problems with family breakdown and is bearing up well, so I am doing what I can to help them. She is the oldest of 5. Poor Lily has really been the Mum to the other kids for a good while now, and it is greatly to her credit that she has done it so well.

( * Peter goes on about her family background, but we left this out )

I started with Puzzles for them when I noted one lad was twiddling a rubik's cube madly, and very well; I have since got them all the different ones I could find on eBay without going to the extremes of ridiculous price models that are there such as one I saw had nearly a hundred bucks cost - and also several of those wooden puzzle thingys too; so as Lily seemed left out I started looking for something just for her.